Because you can’t pour from an empty cup.

An empty cup eventually leads to burnout and breakdown. Nope, not on your watch.

We serve up on-site wellness experiences and workshops to refuel your employees. Trust us-they will thank you!

Keep it flowing

Pouring back into your employees is not only good for them, but good for business. Refueling sustains engagement and performance, talent retention, positive health behaviors and overall happier, re-freshed, re-focused employees.

We make self-care easier to access for your employees by serving it onsite so they can remain focused, energized, and above all- feel taken care of.

Self-care is not a luxury-it is vital for your employees’ physical, emotional and mental wellness. All services are meant to calm and relax both the body and mind.

Serving Onsite Wellness

  • Beyond the physical benefits, massage helps increase blood circulation, release endorphins (natural painkillers), reducing anxiety and depression symptoms, and enhance overall mood. CBD infused massages are available.

  • Keep muscles and joints flexible. You can now move about freely with guided body stretching. Increase your range of motion, reduce muscle and joint pain, and a better posture.

  • Get an instant replenishment of hydration and nutrients with IV drips and shots to keep your body in top health. IV drip therapy can help you feel and look your best by slow down the aging process both inside and out. The powerful combination of rehydration and essential nutrients helps the body prepare for a challenging workdays and recover from eventful days.

94% of respondents said that stepping away from a task they’re working on helps them to get a fresh perspective on it.


Onsite Workshops

When data, metrics and team challenges just don’t work. Mini workshops can help engage and educate your team with tips and tricks on sustaining a healthy lifestyle at and out of work. Small, succinct workshops designed to connect employees and build comradery.

Partner with us on an on-going basis, special events, or we can source and curate team building and offsite retreats.

  • Clearing the mind to re-set and refocus. Alleviate stress, reduce anxiety, pain and high blood pressure.

  • Learn how to take care of the body’s largest organ from environmental and internal stressors. Look good, feel good.

  • Preserve and protect the body with focused stretching from sitting all day at a desk or walking miles at work while meeting with patients or clients.

  • A healthy meal is a well prepared one. Meal planning can save time and money in the long run. It’ll also help with reaching dietary goals and prevent from survival overeating.

Are you ready to take care of your employees?